Thursday, January 13, 2011

Catch up!

I hate getting really behind, because playing catch up sucks! So I am just gonna dive right in!

I started my new job in November and I am so happy to be back at work. I don't love being away from Jax or getting up so early in the morning, but it has been really good for me. And for kyle. The extra money is nice as well. Jaxton started walking... a lot in November! I couldn't believe he just went for it like that! He is such a great kid and I love him so much! We celebrated my birthday on the 23rd. Kyle treats me so well and made sure my birthday was so great!! He is such a good husband. Two days after my birthday it was Thanksgiving and of course, Kyle had to work. We did our Thanksgiving the day before, and Jax and I spent the day curled up on the couch with Del Taco.

Nothing too much happened. I took my LSAT in December. It was the worst 8 hours of my life, but I actually did better than I expected to do. I passed out at the dr's office (as previously mentioned) and I spent a few days sick. Other than that... nothing really. Christmas was a lot of fun! We planned on staying here in Cedar but my brother was pretty determined for us to come down since this could be there last Christmas in Vegas. We decided that we wanted to be around family for Christmas and not up here alone, so we woke up on Christmas Eve morning and opened presents. Then we headed down to Vegas to spend it with family. We had dinner at Kyle's parents house then headed to my brothers for games. I love that my family plays games like they do. It is so much fun and we always end up laughing until it hurts! Kyle and I had a fun little gift for my family that we gave them on Christmas eve. We woke up on Christmas morning and my parents made the BEST breakfast I have had in a long time. We had to head back to Cedar on Christmas day but overall, it was so much fun! Jaxton also got his first tooth on Christmas! He is no longer a baby... he is a big boy now! We also headed back down for New Years. That was also filled with games and food. And since I have been instructed by my doctor to put on weight, I let myself indulge! It's ok every once in awhile.

We celebrated Kyle's birthday on the 5th. I was sick shortly before his birthday and it got even worse the day or two after. I am so happy to be with him. We had to go to the dr again for a follow up for my fall and the dr said I am doing really well. I have been on call for work and I realized I work too much!! Kyle and I are still considering law schools and looking at all of our different options. Everything costs so much money. Kyle and I have known since November and we told my family on Christmas as part of our Christmas gift to them but we told Kyle's family this month, so we can put it on here... baby number 2 is on the way! CRAZY! It took a few weeks for me to be excited about being pregnant only because this was NOT planned and Kyle and I have been making our plans recently for the future and this was not in the plans, but we're so excited! Which explains my fall and the reason the dr kept having us come back.

So that's what we have been up to. Busy couple of months, but I am SO happy to be caught up!

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