Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jaxton Update

I haven't posted an update on Jaxton lately! So much has changed with his. He is getting so big!!
1. He LOVES bananas!! He sees them on the counter or in the store and starts clapping and saying "Nana nana nana!"
2. He can sign.
3. He loves walking around the house saying "dada dada da" but if he is ever upset, it's always "Mama"
4. He has been walking since 9 months, but walks like a champ now!
5. He absolutely LOVES Dayzee! He loves to say "Dayzee" and play keep away with her toys.
6. His favorite past time is climbing on the ottoman and jumping back and forth from the couches to the ottomans and back to the couches. (Kyle tells me one time he was chasing Dayzee and jumped the wrong way and landed on her in a full on belly flop! Love him!)
7. He has 7 teeth!
8. Still wears 9 month clothes! This is getting kinda old though!
9. LOVES milk!
10. He only wants to feed himself. He gets angry if we try to help him and I think he might be a lefty! (A girl can hope right)
11. He was finally cleared for a big boy car seat!! That was so fun for him!!
12. He loves to be thrown around.
13. He plays tickle toes... basically he hates having anything stuck between his toes and he always tries to play tickle toes with me and Kyle. And then he just laughs and laughs!
14. If you say "Jaxton, where's your baby?" He will lift up his shirt and point to his belly. If you say "Where is mom's baby?" He will lift up my shirt and lay his head on my belly. So precious!!
15. He loves to laugh! If everyone else is laughing, he will start laughing too so that he doesn't feel left out.
16. He is in a total mama boy stage. I LOVE it but it drives me crazy at the same time.
17. He still wakes up once every night. He sits and crys "Mama" and I always give in and go get him.
18. When we're putting his shoes and socks on, he will lift up his feet and try to say shoes and socks
19. He is always putting his feet in our shoes and walking around
20. He has the BEST hair! It grows in so nicely and just lays flat. Lucky kid!!

He has such a fun personality. We love having him in our lives. He is going to be such a good big brother!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute, Shan! He is going to be a great big brother. And you are a wonderful mother :)
